In addition to all of this, i truly believe that the weather people are out to get me. Its like they purposely telling me its all clear just so i will wear my fabulous suede italian shoes out and have it rain... are you kidding me?!?! Also, has anyone noticed that when they say its going to rain it doesnt? its like they want everyone to be too afraid of the rain to make a tea time so they can have the golf course all to themselves!!!
Again, i dont want there to be a confusion about much i love charleston weather, i just want a little consistancy on the weather front, and a little more honestly on the prediction of such weather. Charleston is great, its the only place i can think of where there are topless hot surfer guys in november and doctors that skateboard to work... but thats another story all together :)
It was good to see another post! I know what you mean about the weather. It has been incredibly inconsistent